Flora Hamburger

Poland, Schlesien, Kattowitz
DiedPoland, Auschwitz concentration camp
FatherAdolf Hamburger (ca 1855 – )
MotherDoris Danziger (ca 1855 – )
PartnerBruno Wendriner (ca 1880 – before 1940)

Married 25.10.1910 Poland, Schlesien, Kattowitz


genealodzy.pl - certificate no. 240/1910.


Heinz (James Henry) Wendriner (31.08.1914 – 23.08.1989)


At the time of the 1939 census Flora was living in Gleiwitz at Tarnowitzer Str. 17; no other obvious family members are listed at this address. She was deported from Gleiwitz to Auschwitz concentration camp on 20.05.1942.

Image missing
Gleiwitz residence card

Sources (click here for generic source information)

mappingthelives.org - 1939 census;
cbj.jhi.pl - Gleiwitz residence card

This record was last updated on 01.01.2025 at 19:57.